4C In Practice: Toolset
On stage
New study on leadership in the digital age
Our friends at LEAD have produced an interesting study on new leadership challenges!
Imagine Organizations as joyful as kindergardens
Organizations could learn a lot from children. Some skills we once all had, would benefit us a lot.
Why this CEO believes an MBA is worthless
The Leadership Insider Community at Fortune asks Tien Zuoro, CEO of Zuora: "What advice would you give someone looking to start their own business?" Zuoras first answer: "Forget everything you learned in Business School". The reason for this advice and why he is convinced that we are experiencing a once-in-a-century transformation of all existing business rules - read on here http://fortune.com/2015/04/27/tien-tzuo-starting-your-own-business/
Zettelkasten 2.0
Mit Evernote kann man seine Notizen überall und jederzeit editieren und sortieren. Der Zettelkasten 2.0: https://evernote.com
Unser neues Seminar bei der Gründerszene:
http://www.gruenderszene.de/produkte/seminare/seminar/items/lean-easy-smart- agile
What, if there where no managers at all?
A few companies try - and it does not end in chaos... see Valve for example
Find out about our new tool.check back in some days. Stay tuned.